Monday, April 8, 2013

'Twas the night before 30...

I have really struggled with the transition from 29 to 30. Anyone that has been following me over the past couple months know this very well. I have also been battling with some internal monsters that have been hiding for a long time. I have come a long way during my 20’s and on the eve of my 30th birthday, it all came together for me. 

I spent about three hours talking to my older sister on the telephone. It was the typical shoot-the-shit kind of conversation that we normally have, but as it approached hour two we both secretly knew that she WAS going to stay on the phone with me until midnight. I didn’t need to ask her to, and she didn’t need to tell me that she was going to. 

As the clock approached midnight, we were talking about how stressed out I was about the impending trip home to see the extended family for the Easter holiday. Plans had changed last minute, and we were now travelling for Easter instead of spending it in our own home.  It was an all around better plan for everyone involved, but it was still a CHANGE in plans, which meant I actually had to make an effort to change my thought process, and that was a struggle that week. 

The kids were in crazy moods for the past few days, constantly screaming at the top of their lungs for everything! On top of that, we had all been sick with a flu bug for the past week so we were all a little shack-happy and wild.  I actually felt exhausted and I think my sister could hear it in my voice. I was also stressed because Hubby was working nights, and I had to do everything alone to prepare for the trip. We had to be out of the house by 630am to pick him up and hit the road. Oh, and on my 30th birthday to top it all off. 

As of 11pm, I had nothing packed and was lying on the couch being a sooky baby of epic proportions, telling my sister that I needed her to cancel Easter this year. 

But as usual, she rose to the occasion and she coached me through a plan B. She said ‘why don’t you just hold off until noon to go. Let hubby sleep a few hours. Drink coffee in your jammies. Enjoy your morning with your girls on your birthday. Get in the car around noon? It would be just in time for Pumpkin’s nap.’ I had to admit, it made a lot more sense than the mission impossible that I was trying to pull off. 


And, she was definitely in "Protection Mode". She was trying to protect me from MYSELF. I was setting myself up for a terrible/stressful start to my birthday. The day that I have been dreading for months. I thank the lord she turned thirty before I did because I may not have survived the eve without her. 

I am so foolish sometimes. The past few months have been a great demonstration of this.  I am too analytical. I think WAY too much about everything and I sometimes forget the value that comes with age. As a matter of fact, I have recently reminded myself that the majority of all the woman in my life that I love and respect, are all older than me. And if they aren’t, they act older than me most of the time (Bean/Kully). 

So, my moral of this little story is: Don’t worry; on the eve of your 30th birthday, you probably won’t grow a new wrinkle. You also won’t instantly look or feel like Betty White. AND to your surprise, strangers won’t actually know that you are 30 unless you tell them! You aren’t the first woman to turn 30, and you sure as hell won’t be the last. 

But, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you let that stop you from staying up until 2am coloring your hair, waxing your lip, plucking and doing that sample facial mask that has been promising you a “healthy young glow” for months. 

Do what you need to do to feel better. Then move on, gracefully.




  1. Love it beautiful!...we will celebrate our 30's together, really soon, with wine, lobster, and laughs :)...xoxo Kristen


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